They are conveyor systems with a wide usage area such as printing centers, printing companies and paper processing centers. The conveyors of the printing industry need all kinds of conveyor systems according to their business needs. For example, while paper mills need conveyor systems that require heavy loads, this need is very low in the printing center. Correct planning is vital for the best system.
Printing Industry Conveyor Features:
Conveyor system belts used in businesses where printing works such as foils, newspapers, brochures, magazines, calendars are made are resistant to ink and chemical products.
Cardboard coil conveyor lines are resistant to abrasion.
· Since the needs of each business change, the size and width of the belt system are also specially prepared.
Conveyor systems have adjustable speed counters. In this way, the workload in different printing works is reduced and high productivity is achieved.
With the help of automation machines, the conveyor system performs many tasks such as painting, sorting, sorting and packaging.
Konveksan prepares its printing conveyor systems to work in the most efficient way with its superior project design services. Preliminary detection is very important for printing conveyor systems. The speed setting, work diagram and bandwidth of the system to be built vary according to the need.